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Apostle Adrian B. Bowens
Sr. Pastor
Apostle Nicole Y. Bowens


Apostle Adrian B. Bowens is the Sr. Pastor and Co-Founder of Nu Vision Outreach Ministries - Greenville, South Carolina. He desires to build families with a special emphasis on marriages and helping men to reach their full potential and purpose through relationship with God! He is the Co-Founder of Marriages of the Kingdom, the Founder of the Men’s Locker Room and Co-Owner of a new business Kingdom Counseling Connection in which he is a certified counselor. Apostle Adrian and his wife Apostle Nicole founded and launched Vision Covenant Partners which is a fellowship of churches in which he is the Presiding Prelate.

He is a graduate of Southern Wesley University and holds a BS in Business Administration. At SWU, Apostle Adrian served as President of the Student Government Association and President of the Harambee Club during his time there. Adrian spoke at his college graduation as a representative for his senior class. Adrian also attended the American Baptist College, Martin/Webb Extension, Greenville, S.C. Apostle Elect Adrian is currently pursuing a degree in Biblical Studies.

Apostle Adrian “unofficially” ministered for the first time in 1990 and ministered his initial sermon in September of 2000 and thereafter became an Associate Minister of New Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. Apostle Adrian has previously served as Vice Chairman of Deacons, Co-Chairman of Trustees, Financial Secretary, Choir Director, President of Youth, Sunday School Superintendent, Sunday School Teacher (Youth and Adults) and Head Basketball Coach for Youth. Adrian has served faithfully under the leadership of Pastor S.A. Mattison, Pastor Curtis Johnson, Pastor Wendell Jones and Pastor George Dixon. Adrian serves as a Board Member in FLOW Fellowship Churches International Inc. under the leadership of his Apostle Stacy T. Glover, Founder and Presiding Prelate.

Apostle Adrian is a preacher, teacher and speaker whose goal is to help the people of God to understand how important it is to live a Godly life and to celebrate abundant living. Through his living, teaching and preaching of God’s word, it has had a powerful impact on the lives of many people from family and friends to those God has blessed him to lead.

Apostle Adrian found his wife Nicole in 2011, where through God they combined their individual lives and ministries to continue to do the will and the work of God as one! Their wonderful family includes four children Nicolas, Corey (Asha), Kimberly and Kirkland! They are the proud grandparents of two grandsons Dallas and Dax and a granddaughter Cali. Apostle Adrian will continue to advance God’s Kingdom through teaching, leadership, mentorship and most of all his daily living of God's word.

Apostle Nicole Y. Bowens is a woman of God, wife, mother of four children, grandmother of three, mother in love, pastor, author, entrepreneur and mentor. Nicole serves as Pastor and Church Administrator for Nu Vision Outreach Ministries - Greenville, SC. She is also the Co-Founder of Nu Vision Outreach Ministries - Greenville in which she simultaneously serves with and is led by her husband Apostle Adrian. She is the Co-Founder of Marriages of the Kingdom and Co-Owner of a new business Kingdom Counseling Connection in which she is a certified counselor, along with her husband Adrian.

She holds a degree in Social Work and Mental Health, with a very strong desire to serve all people, with an especially deep rooted compassion for serving families, youth, women, the disabled and senior populations. God has gifted Nicole in the area of administration in which she assists others in implementing and launching their visions. Apostle Nicole is currently pursuing a degree in Biblical Studies.

This servant of God seeks and seizes every opportunity allotted to her to minister to those in need in many ways such as giving, counseling and any other way she can be of assistance and be effective in the kingdom of God. Her greatest desire is for God to use her in whatever capacity that He deems necessary!
Apostle Nicole has served as a Deaconess, Administrative Assistant, Church Administrator, Coordinator of Finance Team, Fundraising Chairperson, Women of Virtue Ministry Assistant, Youth Director and Teacher among other ministries within the church. She serves as the Chief Operating Officer of FLOW Fellowship International Churches Inc. under the leadership of Apostle Stacy T. Glover, who is Founder and Presiding prelate. She has previously served faithfully under the leadership of Bishop Robert Joyce, Bishop William Murphy Jr., Pastor Curtis Johnson and Pastor George Dixon.

Apostle Nicole accepted Jesus as a pre-teen and in her latter teen years she strayed away from God and later rededicated her life to God in totality in 1998. She “unofficially” began ministering in 2005 through teaching Bible Study classes. After years of resisting the call of God on her life and hiding out in church, eleven years later under the leadership and development of Apostle Adrian she began ministering in 2016. She preached her first sermon in February of 2017 and became a licensed minister. She was later ordained as Pastor of Nu Vision Outreach Ministries in 2018.

Apostle Nicole is the owner of Kingdom Elegance Boutique, Kingdom Events and N.Y.B. Solutions. She is employed in the cooperate world as a Director of an agency that serves terminally ill patients and has been employed with them for the last 10 years. She is the founder of Jewels of the Kingdom a mentoring ministry for young girls ages 12-19. Pastor Apostle Nicole founded the organization Operation Hope 85 in 2019 which provides aide to victims of sex trafficking. Through these organizations, she eloquently brings light to everyday struggles and gives heartfelt, life-changing guidance to those in need through her life experiences and revelation from the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Nicole is on a mission through the unction of the Holy Spirit to challenge those who confess and proclaim Jesus to live a life of holiness according to the Word of God through the Power of the Cross!

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Physical Address:

710 S. Pleasantburg Drive | Greenville SC 29607

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 81276 | Simpsonville, SC 29680


Sundays at 12:10 pm - Intercession

Sundays at 12:30 pm - Worship Service

Wednesdays at 6:45 pm - Prayer & Bible Application

©2019 by Nu Vision Outreach Ministries designed by N.Y.B. Solutions

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